Ice Cream cone Hunt3 hints/pics

Ice Cream cone Hunt3
album ICCH3 Prizes

๐Ÿจ 40 designers, 20 Sponsors (first stops in our hunts and spaces on web page). All Sponsor fees are for the fundraising to IKSDP-Harambee project Schools.
๐Ÿจ Free themed with a focus on everything related to the sun and the sea, summer and energy, warm colors, fantasy and fairy tales, free and wild nature!
๐Ÿจ Start location Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop and search the Ice Cream Cone (L$ 3), thanks to Sherbert  for this wonderful item!
๐Ÿจ Promoted by: GridAffair by Juana Villiers, Huntsl by MargeKinson, TeleportHub, Seraphim.

☀️ PARTICIPATING SPONSORS & STORES available on June 1st
Ⓢ Start Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop hint: Where is the Seasonal Fair & hunt road!

Wiccan Wears hint: Val & Tess make a good combination
Absinthe, Art & Angels hint: Safer sex and ice cream, yeaaa!
Bearsfoot Beaches hint: Gotta keep the ice cream from melting!
Splintered Creations hint: Together We Can Raise The Flag.
Sour Pickles hint: Check the hint giver
{RP} Reina Photography hint: Oh no! I dropped my ice cream near the front window
Sherbert hint: yummy yummy watermelon
Kinderstrudle hint: Search on the counter near something pink
The Bold Llama T-Shirt Co. hint: A bouquet in a bouquet.
Lindy Modern & Retro Shoes hint: I Hadley ever have ice cream - I miss it!
Timeless Textures hint: Why don't you just check out these discounts while I tidy up this mess so you can have a seat.
United InshCon hint: Every morning a fresh egg
Nefeli's Gestures hint: (no pic) Tok tok
.Princess Stuff. hint: I am waiting on a chair, you should just camp there!
AM - Designs hint: soon
L&L for Harambee hint: Popcorn Machine!
GD for Harambee hint: Shabby Chic Store!
Emerald Couture hint: I want Kandy!
Telsiope's Couture hint: soooo fluffy
*Starshine Design* hint: You can find me on the shelf near the reception
Caramba hint:  it is not healthy but ever so delicious
Grumble hint: YOLO!
Ever Green hint: Perfect even if you don' have a green theme!
Day of the Dead (Ellen's Stuff) hint: Cats love ice cream
Five Stores in One hint: Take a seat and have a cupcake too
Delightful Creations ~ Animesh Delights, Holiday, Home & Garden hint: Up with the pink roses, on top of the three graces fountain.
Starlight Apparel hint: Everyone is lucky sometimes...
Dalrymple Designs hint: Maybe if you go to the 3rd floor you will be LUCKY!
SLW Design hint: Ice? There's more of it - just have a look in the seasonal corner!

Butterflies~N~Roses hint: Take a walk upstair

"Serenity" hint: "Movie Night"
Shop It hint: You need a new home? Hollywood should be beautiful (2.floor..)
Cwtch Art Shop hint: soon
Angel Wings Boutique hint: soon
AmAzInG CrEaTiOnS hints: soon
Elsbeth Writer Photography hint: soon
Epicine hint: soon
Applique` Chic hint: soon
Enchantee hint: soon
Meander hint: soon
Sassy Brats hint: soon

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