SpringAir Hunt 6 Hints/Pic

SpringAir Hunt 6

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๐ŸŒˆ 2025 Applications (all 2025 Hunts)
๐ŸŒผ Free themed with  a focus on flowers, spring, friendship, diversity-equality, fantasy, re-birthing, love, brotherhood, fairy-tale, St. Patrick..
๐ŸŒผ [February 2nd/28th]  Start location Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop
๐ŸŒผ Search the Spring Blocks decor and thanks to Sherbert for this wonderful item!
๐ŸŒผ Many designers and Sponsors (first stops in all hunts and spaces on web page). All Sponsor fees are for the fundraising to IKSDP-Harambee project Schools.
๐ŸŒผ  Promoted by:  GridAffair.com.com by Juana Villiers, Huntsl.com by MargeKinson, TeleportHub.com

PARTICIPATING SPONSORS & STORES available in the first days of the month
โ“ˆ Start Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop hint: Where you see the 'Seasonal Fair & hunt road'!

โ“ˆ Absinthe, Art & Angels hint: Ask Zoltar Cat for your future!
โ“ˆ Adore Amore Fashion hint: Find Me At Reception
โ“ˆ :: Starlight Apparel  hint: Both Prizes are In and Around Reception
โ“ˆ The Bold Llama T-Shirt Co. hint:A table full of decoration and gifts
โ“ˆ Splintered Creations  hint: Do you feel LUCKY?
โ“ˆ Kamu -Harambee store hint:  Spring Blocks in the Fair!
โ“ˆ Bearsfoot Beaches-Harambee hint: I have the perfect table to put this pretty Spring decor on!
โ“ˆ .Princess Stuff. hint: skip this month
โ“ˆ SANNA - SCIENCE and ART - Animated Textures Full Perm hint: skip this month
โ“ˆ Sour Pickles MyStory hint: Check the hint giver
โ“ˆ Sherbert hint: It's tea time
โ“ˆ {RP} Reina Photography hint: take a photo with your FRIENDS
โ“ˆ Let's Get Weird hint: Look for the matching sets
โ“ˆ Butterflies~N~Roses hint: Outside enjoying the beautiful spring flowers
โ“ˆ Telsiope's Couture hint: The nut is mine
โ“ˆ Emerald Couture, Man & ShoeDdiction hint: skip this month
โ“ˆ Sweet Intoxication Mainstore hint: Female Item ~ Such pretty flowers perfect for Spring!

hint: Male Item ~ Ooo body Glitter!
โ“ˆ GoodVibes hint: Beneath the four leaf clovers
โ“ˆ Ari-Pari Main Store hint: skip this month
โ“ˆ [ILL] I LOVE LIDA hint: skip this month
โ“ˆ Meander hint: The CENTER of SOOTY WING's Entry!
โ“ˆ  Silver Oak Hollow - Morrrigan's Magick skip this month
โ“ˆ L&L for Harambe hint: I love the Vintage Coffee Machine!

โ“ˆ GD for Harambee hint: Where is the Shabby Chic Store?

โž” SLW design hint: Lost things you so urgently need for springtime? Don't panic, just grab a redelivery!

โž” AM - Designs hint: You can discover me in a red window .... ;)

โž” No Mesh Design hint female: What is the Springtimes Melody?
hint male: Take me,I'm the Springtine Boy
โž” Incredible Living hint female: How about a little Bling Bling?
hint male: Denim can be worn at any time of the year

โž” ::REA:: hint:  June is an amazing month!!

โž” Hogs And Cart Wheels hint:  The Spring is here... Someone needs to cut the grass!
โž” Psyche's Pstyles hint: skip this month
โž” Shiny Joyful Creations hint: Amethyst a purple gem is hidden in my shop , if you want to find it you want to start on top
โž” Delightful Creations hint: I wonder if there is any cash in this register?
โž” ~MystRie~ hints: F - Close to Flowered Vines and Flammencos
M - Spring brings the Easter Bunny
โž” Galerie dArt hints:  1 Floral Field is in Full Bloom at the Gallery
2. In the gallery Coffee House I am a Hibiscus by the Hibscus
โž” Oahu Paradise Island hint: a place to show your respect to the fallen.
โž” Violet Skies hint:  Taking a well deserved break
โž”  *Starshine Design* hint:  skip this month
โž” Angel And Dragon Designs hint: skip this month

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Surprise Hunt 6

๐ŸŒˆ 2025 Applications (deadline April 1st) ๐Ÿฐ [April 2nd - April 30th 2025] Start location Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop ๐Ÿฐ Free themed...