Submit Hint/Pic notecard

*Copy all content into a notecard named: 1.FlTH5 Hint&PIC [Store name]
complete it and send it to Loredana Loring

1) Send the '1.FlTH5 Hint&PIC [Store name]' by May 1th (sooner is better)

Store name:

Store Owner:

HINT or Hints:

SLURL to the hiding spot (for private use only):
Hunt Item picture URL (MUST be square 512x512 minimum)
Hints, photos and LMs will be published on our blog, on the Flickr and FaceBook pages:
๐Ÿ’ฎ Flower's Time Hunt5 hints/pics
๐Ÿ’ฎ FLICKR album
Harambee hunt FaceBook group
BunnyIsles4Kenya Facebook group

For any question, help or problem, *contact us*
*Peace and Love*
Loredana Loring & Lotrec Oh

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Happy Birthday Harambee Hunt

๐ŸŒ ' Happy Birthday Harambee Hunt ' will take place from May 15th to June 30th 2024, it's a wonderful event to sponsor the IKSD...