Wandering Souls Hunt4 hints/pics

Flickr WanderingSH4 Prizes

Wandering Souls Hunt4๐ŸŒˆ Application (deadline November1st)
๐Ÿ‘ป [November 2nd/30th] Free themed with a focus on the fantasy, nostalgia, gothic, ghostly, fog, castles, forest, elves, goblins, wizards.
๐Ÿ‘ป Start location Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop
๐Ÿ‘ป Search the Wandering Elf and thanks to Sherbert for this wonderful item!
๐Ÿ‘ป 30 designers, 15 Sponsors (first stops in all hunts and spaces on web page). All Sponsor fees are for the fundraising to IKSDP-Harambee project Schools.
๐Ÿ‘ป Promoted by: GridAffair.com by Juana Villiers, Huntsl.com by MargeKinson, TeleportHub.com

PARTICIPATING SPONSORS & STORES available in the first days of the month

Ⓢ Start Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop hint: Where you see the 'Seasonal Fair & hunt road'!

Absinthe, Art & Angels hint: Dwarf on ox, that roxx!!!
Bearsfoot Beaches hint: I like to wander on the beach looking for butterflies
The Bold Llama T-Shirt Co. hint: I'm a little purple gnome and I like to sit on chairs.
.Princess Stuff. hint: " I hide, where the Candles light"
Splintered Creations hint: Among three rings.
Little Mysteries in Harambee Fair hint: My item, and will be easy to find in my booth
Nefeli's Gestures hint: Read the info

Meander hint: skip
Sherbert hint: 50L$ or less?! What an amazing deal
{RP} Reina Photography hint: Are these stairs upside down?
Kinderstrudle hint: Look at the space under Jane (outfit)
Let's Get Weird hint: He can help you with your purchases
Telsiope's Couture hint: Gnomes can recognize great deals 
:: Starlight Apparel :: hint:Come Find Me At The Reception
Mandilena Gestures hint: skip this round
Kamu new store hint: Shelf
Grumble hint: I'm shelved! Good thing I like green.
Ever Green hint: A perfect table to enjoy a luncheon with someone special!
Emerald Couture hint: skip
Sour Pickles hint: Check the hint giver
L&L for Harambee hint: I love the Vintage Coffee Machine!
GD for Harambee hint: Where is the Shabby Chic Store?

*Starshine Design* hint: You can find me on the shelf near the reception
Gallerie Meara hint: What did you find in the LUCKY ARCHIVES?

United InshCon hint: skip
AM - Designs hint: I got lost in the flower shop ;)

Dalrymple Designs hint: This wall blanket seems very suspicious!
Psyche's Pstyles hint: The journey begins with the first step out the door.
Epicine hint: This one likes nature, so maybe you'll find them somewhere in the green.
::REA:: hint: Don't wander up to the 3rd floor there are dragons up there,
SLW Design hint: there's something new!
AmAzInG CrEaTiOnS hint skip
[M]ELANGE !NC. hint: "there's so many weekly sales here!"
Delightful Creations hint: I'm hanging out with the giants
Christmas Delights hint: Listening to the Christmas music on the record player
Soju and Strayz hint: skip
~WiRa~ A Touch of Magick~ hint:  Look for me on a cloud!

AVRO Wings hint: ...and the pictures go round and round.

Angel & Dragon Designs hint: skip this round
*KD* KaiDesign hint: skip this round
[BN~D] Beautiful Nyght hint: skip this round
Littlepaws Art Gallery hint: skip this round


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