Flowers time Hunt4 hints/pics

album FTH4 Prizes
Flowers time Hunt4๐ŸŒˆ 30 designers, 15 Sponsors which have the first hunting Stops and space on our website (fees to fundraiser for the IKSDP-Harambee project Schools.
๐Ÿฐ [May 2nd / 31st 2023] Free themed with a focus on everything that grows in the sun, spring, wildlife, Fantasy, colors, fairytale, mom & love... Feel free to create!
๐Ÿฐ Start location Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop and search the Lovely Daisy flower, thanks to Sherbert for this nice item!
๐Ÿฐ Promoted by: by Juana Villiers, by MargeKinson,, Seraphim

๐Ÿฐ PARTICIPATING SPONSORS & STORES available in the first days of the month

โ“ˆ Start Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop hint: Where you see the 'Seasonal Fair & hunt road'!

โ“ˆ Absinthe, Art & Angels hint: A flower on bones: a sign of rebirth.

โ“ˆ Bearsfoot Beaches hint: Look between the sand path and the fields of flowers
โ“ˆ The Bold Llama T-Shirt Co. hint: Would you look at that? I've got a floral butt!
โ“ˆ .Princess Stuff. hint: "Veronika loves Flowers in her Hair, right in front of the Lucky Chair"!
โ“ˆ Splintered Creations hint: Hello and Welcome

โ“ˆ Nefeli's Gestures hint: A flower for you!

โ“ˆ Meander hint: There was no one like Tallulah!
โ“ˆ Sherbert hint: Look for the GIANT panda head (pillow)
โ“ˆ {RP} Reina Photography hint: This flower is growing between two bunnies and an astronaut
โ“ˆ Kinderstrudle hint: The 1st floor has GACHA!
โ“ˆ Telsiope's Couture hint: a NEW flower is born
โ“ˆ :: Starlight Apparel :: hint: All That Glitters is Gold
โ“ˆ Mandilena Gestures hint: skip
โ“ˆ Sour Pickles hint: Check the hint giver
โ“ˆ Emerald Couture hint: Nice flowers to see when I am online
โ“ˆ L&L for Harambee hint: I love the Vintage Coffee Machine!
โ“ˆ GD for Harambee hint: Where is the Shabby Chic Store?
โ“ˆ Sweet Intoxication hint: Dulce knows secrets
โ“ˆ Ever Green hint: Where the Hummingbirds Thrive
โ“ˆ Kamu hint: Door
โ“ˆ *KD* KaiDesign hint: skip
โ“ˆ United InshCon hint: Drunken Squirrels are very bad

โž” *Starshine Design* hint: You can find me on the shelf near the reception

โž” Butterflies~N~Roses hint: Can't miss me I'm with the tulips
โž” Gallerie Meara hint: The flower is on the PLANT shelf.
โž” AM - Designs hint: Look around the little cottage ;-)
โž” Dalrymple Designs hint: Check and see if I'm online!
โž” Grumble hint: The aliens have landed!
โž” Epicine hint: skip
โž” ::REA:: hint: Ewww I have sand in my shoe!
โž” Delightful Creations hint:
โž” [BN~D] Beautiful Nyght hint: skip
โž” Angel & Dragon Designs 1 Angel & Dragon Designs 2 hint:
โž” AmAzInG CrEaTiOnS hint: Male hint: Go to the  male shop: My feet are on fire is hot time for short pants!
Female hint: Go to the female shop: hot hot hot time for summer tops!
โž” Littlepaws Art Gallery hint: She's hiding with Holly

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Surprise Hunt 6

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